Surroundings & Suggestions

Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Korenbeurs

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Discover the surroundings of Made

In the surroundings of Made you can do plenty of things. At the reception you can rent an e-bike and explore the beautiful surroundings around Made. You can also go to the reception for beautiful cycling and walking routes. Near Made is the center of Brabant and Breda, so you can take the car and have a wonderful day of shopping in the center of Brabant or Breda. A full day is easy to fill up here, there are several shops and boutiques. If you love nature, then National Park De Biesbosch is really something for you. This wetland nature reserve is very popular and is often visited. There is plenty to do here, so you can sail on the water with a boat, cycle beautiful routes or spot animals. Or go to the most visited amusement park in the Netherlands, the Efteling, this famous amusement park is a 21-minute drive from the hotel.

Nature and culture tips

  • National Park De Biesbosch
  • Mill ‘Hoop Doet Leven’
  • Hire a sloop at Biesbosch Sloepenverhuur

Museum and attraction tips

  • De Efteling
  • Stedelijk Museum Breda
  • Textile museum
  • NAC Museum
  • Monkey Town Breda

Sport tips

  • Golfcourt Turfvaert
  • Golfcourt Landgoed Bergvliet
  • Golf park De Haenen
  • Golf club Princenbosch
  • Biking and hiking in the area
  • SnowWorld Rucphen


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